Thursday, June 20, 2013

I tried. I really did.


This past month has been a pretty hectic one. I've been to a dozen cities. Every church, art gallery, and museum from here to Rome. I've had enough gelato to kill a small child. Enough panini to ruin a college girls body. And have neglected almost all forms of social media and responsibilities  other than my school work here (barely).

It's hard to stay focused when you're this far from home. The idea of filling out an application that involves 15 essays, 10 letters of recommendations, and every class I've taken since high school is pretty damn unappealing. With class twice a day and exams / papers due every week, it's hard to find time for real life. You try staying inside when you're surrounded by this much beautiful architecture and great places to eat.

I leave tomorrow to begin an 11 day backpacking trip. Never before have I been this stressed out about leaving somewhere. I'm excited, but booking hostels is a nightmare. I'm juggling train tickets, bus tickets, plane tickets, and reservations between 4 countries. It isn't exactly fun, yet. Have you tried looking up hostels? These pictures are things from horror movies. I'm reserving places through third-party websites with hopes that these hostels don't tell me to suck a dick upon arrival. I'm going to have 10 roommates in one country. All for the story I suppose.

But in all honesty, I'm beyond excited. I'm just stressed. As I type this, I have a final in less than 2 hours. Tomorrow I have an oral presentation in Italian and an exam. I also have yet to find a place to stay in London, which is in 1 week. But It's all part of the experience of traveling abroad. The stresses, miscues, accidents, and stories. The places you see and the people you meet. It's a growing experience for me and has shown me a lot about the world, and most importantly, myself. Even though it might force me to have to wait to apply to medical school, it was worth it (I hope).

So, I apologize for dropping the ball on this blog. But if it makes you feel better, I've dropped the ball on everything else in my life. Or maybe I'm just trying to be a perfectionist. I'll try to post stories from my backpacking adventure.

Florence -> Barcelona -> Paris -> Amsterdam -> London -> Philadelphia -> San Francisco -> Home
11 Days.